Complimentary Licenses for Our Users During COVID

Last Updated on 28 December 2020 by Karina

May 1, 2020 | Posted by Olga Lapshinova

Most of our clients are legal professionals who buy and register Email Detail Litigation and Email Detail Archive on their office computers. During lockdown, many people have to work from home. That causes problems as people need new licenses to run the apps on home computers.

We want to help legal professionals maintain important services to their clients and local communities. We offer free additional licenses to all registered users of Email Detail Litigation and Email Detail Archive.

How to get additional license?

Send us an email with your original purchase details. Tell us the number of additional licenses you need (up to 3). Our managers will generate and send you new licenses within 1 day. Complimentary licenses are full licenses valid for 1 year. They can be renewed in 12 months after activation with the 50% discount from the current price.

This offer is valid till July, 1.

Update: The offer has been extended till Dec 1 2020. Stay safe!

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