Can e-discovery software be less expensive?

Last Updated on 27 December 2023 by Olga Lapshinova

February 28, 2020 | Posted by Michael Dango

Edited: 27/12/2023

The dedicated e-discovery solutions are typically quite costly, and most firms do not want to spend that much money on an app. But with everything getting digitalized, finding a piece of crucial information gets quite tricky in case you have a higher number of clients. On the other hand, the software reduces the amount of time spent on e-discovery and excludes human error.

Some law firms still use common PDF editors to get the neat PDF files out of scattered emails, scanned pages, work sheets. This may reduce the price but not the amount of work.

Cloud solutions

Today cloud legal software platforms are getting more and more popular (Lexbe, Logikcull). Their plans start at just $5 per GB so users pay only for what they use. However, the total price for one case may end up in thousands of dollars. Another disadvantage is that you have to send your files to their site which involves some risk.

Safer desktop solution

Email Detail Litigation software fills the gap between using wide solutions like Adobe and the expensive platforms built for law firms.  At the price of only USD 199, you get to use the new powerful app to process all sorts of files and emails. Here are just a few pros:

By using the Email Detail Litigation app, you will not need to hire consultants to sort your documents. Everything will be done in-house. Email Detail Litigation genuinely will change the way you work in your cases.

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